The Platform Shooter 0.4.0 alpha release
It's time for another alpha release! After almost two months since last release I had to drop out some of the stuff that I had originally planned to get this release out. Having said that, there's definitely enough improvements to justify a release.
Here's a list of changes since 0.3.0 alpha release:
- Added automatic download of missing level from server on client connection.
- Added crouching support for taking cover behind objects.
- Added bloody corpse entity.
- Tweaked human explosion particle effects.
- Added flying body parts with blood trails to human explosion.
- Added proper glow texture support and retextured some of the glowing objects.
- Missing level light map is now automatically generated on level load.
- Added a slight oscillation to player character stand height.
- Fixed player penetrating/floating over moving platforms (again).
- Added three variations of explosion sound.
- Added power cells to SP6 level.
- Added fuel container entity to be used as cover.
- Finally fixed the old bug that prevented fast reconnection to server.
- Fixed random crashes on client after multiplayer match restart.
Downloads are available at the game page.
Posted on 2012-04-08