Phobos Down 0.0.13 alpha released
Next alpha update to Phobos Down is out!
This time the change log is a little shorter than usual but I wanted to get this update out sooner to fix some minor issues found in Steam review. There is a good amount of other improvements and additions too.
Two new weapon modifiers have been added. Gliding projectiles modifier makes projectiles glide along the ground instead of hitting it, making it possible to shoot enemies while hiding behind hills. Directed explosion fragments modifier makes missile explosions launch a number of projectiles aimed towards nearby enemies and cause extra damage:
Weapon modifier stats display logic has been changed to handle additive properties better. Previously the change percentages felt too random. Now 100% always means the value added by one maximum quality modifier for that property:
Here are the changes since version 0.0.12:
- Smooth enemy burrowing sound loop pitch and volume changes.
- Added additional enemy unburrowing sound.
- Prevent the player and the crawling enemies from climbing too steep slopes.
- Fixed planet mesh not always rotating behind mission menu.
- Added gliding projectiles weapon modifier.
- Improved weapon property change display when installing a modifier.
- Added new splash screen at start.
- Fixed spawner enemy children not inherting their parent's target.
- Open menu to pause the game when a controller is disconnected while playing.
- Pause game if Steam overlay is activated.
- Properly handle possible weapon modifier removal in version upgrade.
- Added directed explosion fragments modifier for the launcher weapon.
This update is now available on Itch.io and Steam.
Posted on 2025-03-17